Barry passed away on 5th September 2016 aged 78. His funeral was held at Dewsbury Moor Crematorium of 16th September 2016. Former members of the KOYLI Band along with members of the Regimental Association joined Barry's wife, Margaret, his son and daughter, Steven and Dawn, relatives and friends.
Barry joined the KOYLI as a Bandsman during his National Service remaining for a few years more at the end of his period of National Service. Barry was very much a family man and loved his music. He was popular in his local community and his local Working Mens Club where he become the Clubs President, a role he took seriously.
On behalf of the Regimental Association members our deepest sympathy and sincere condolences to Margaret, Steven, Dawn, familly and friends.
RIP Roy as you take your place with your band of brothers in the massed band in the heavens playing "Jockey to the Fair". Cede Nullis.