On 24 November 1967 two soldiers from Normanton, Pte’s Norman Christopher Wilson and Robert William Limb, were killed in Germany while on a route march from Saultou to Helmstedt, while serving in West Berlin, Germany with the 1KOYLI. They were the last two KOYLI soldiers to be killed while in uniform.
At Lower Cemetery Normanton on 24 November 2017, to mark the 50th Anniversary of the deaths of the two soldiers, an Act of Remembrance was held led Mr Eddie Gillen with John Wilson the brother of Pte Norman Wilson in attendance. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Normanton Cllr. Steven Hudson and Cllr. Denton Jones (ex KOYLI) were invited to join former KOYLI members, many of whom served with Pte’s Wilson and Limb and were there when the accident happened. The local KOYLI veterans were joined by other KOYLI veterans who had travelled from various parts of the UK to attend the Ceremony. Percy Potts and son, Ron Lowerson and Sheila Amos from Middlesbrough, Malcom Yapp his wife and son from Birmingham to mention just a few. Also present were family members of Pte’s Wilson and Limb.
KOYLI Standards from 3 Branches of The Rifles, Light Infantry & KOYLI Regimental Association; Tim Humphries from Wakefield, Colin Cranswick from Pontefract and Brian Clayton from West Leeds lowered their Standards as Bugler Craig Rosser from the Lt Div & Rifles Veteran Buglers Association sounded Last Post and Reveille.