The family of LCpl Terence Vairy, late KOYLI, KSLI and 1 LI, have informed the Association that Terence passed away suddenly at home on 22 Mar 2018 aged 73. The sincere condolences to Terence's family and friends from all members of the Association. RIP Terence your duty done take your place in the final RV. Cede Nullis.
Terence was based for awhile at Pontefract Barracks and also served in Plymouth, Germany, Singapore and Malacca and many more.
Terence's daughter Tracy writes " Dad was a very proud soldier and wore the uniform with pride."
Lt Col Graham Whitmore, Col Gerry Delany, representing the Regimental Association, joined Terence's family and friends at Pontefract Crematorium on Thursday 19 April. Association Standard Bearers Tim Humphreys and Colin Cranswick carrying the KOYLI and LI Standards led Terence's coffin draped with the Light Infantry Regimental flag into the crematorium. Peter Bate from the Buglers Association sounded Last Post and Reveille. Our thanks to Terence's daughter Tracy and the other members of Terence's family for the welcome they gave to the association representatives.