It is with sadness that we have to report that Derek Gerald Denton Late KOYLI/2LI passed away on 16 Apr 2018 aged 78. The thoughts and condolences of all members of the Association are with Derek's family at this very sad and difficult time.
On the 8th of May 2018 in the packed Jump village church the Regimental Association Vice President Lt Col Graham Whitmoor, Standard Bearers Tim Humphreys and Colin Cranswick with bugler Pete Bate from the Veterans Buglers Association joined Daz's family, friends and former KOYLIs who served with him.
Derek's sister Patricia has emailed the follow message of thanks: "It was such a pleasure to have representatives of his regiment. A bugler and standard bearers were present and I found them most comforting". Thanks Patricia Bly Derek's sister.
As the bugle sounds No More Parades and you take your place in the Final RV, Rest in peace "Daz" as he was known to friends. Cede Nullis.
Funeral Arrangements:
Date and Time - 8th May 2018 at 1250hrs
Location - ST Georges Church, Church St, Jump, Barnsley, S74 0HX
Burial 1330hrs - Jump Cemetery, Cemetery Road, Jump, S74 OJQ
Bugler requested to Sound at the cemetery - Yes
Standard Bearers the cemetery - Yes
Coffin Drape - No
Association members are welcome to attend
Donations to: KOYLI Memorial Appeal cheques payable to KOYLI Association
Association member are welcome afterwards at Jump WMC, Wentworth Rd, Jump, Barnsley S74 0JX