We have received notification from Mark Bloom a friend of Peter and his family that Peter Sables late KOYLI and LI passed away on 15 Jul 2018 after an illness. Our condolences to Peter's family and friends at this sad time.
Peter's family friend has written:
"Peter served in Aden and many NI tours, He commanded respect in every respect in all his communicates due to him being a highly qualified signaller who in leaving the army became a member of the Radio Ham association where he gave frequent lectures, he also rebuilt many spy radios which are now in various museums around Britain and Europe. He leaves behind a devoted wife Margaret and 2 children Lisa and Philip and loving Grandchildren. He will be sadly missed by all who knew him. JOB DONE RIP PETE CEDE NULLIS"
The funeral arrangements are:
Location - Rosehill Crematorium, Doncaster.
Date and time - 30 Jul 2018 at 1320hrs.
Bugler - Not Required,
Standard Bearer - Not Required.
Coffin drape - Not Required.
Association members are welcome to attend