It is with sadness that we have to announce that Sjt Alfie Tetley lost his brave battle with cancer and passed in the early hours of 9 Oct 2018 in Bradford Marie Curie Hospice aged 56. Alfie was a clerk in 2LI and later in the Adjutant General Corps. He served in Northern Ireland, Germany and Bosnia.
You served your country with honour. As the bugle sounds 'No more parades' join your brothers-in-arms in the final RV and rest in peace Alfie. Cede Nullis.
Alfie left the following message with his brother-in-law with instructions for it to be published on his Facebook page:
I have been in the biggest war zone ever, at war with Cancer, I refused to surrender but I have for the first time in my life lost the battle. To all my friends and family I thank you for all the support given to me. Do not be saddened by my passing, as I have achieved everything on my bucket list. My funeral will be on Friday the 19th of October at 12pm Scholemoor Crem, followed by a chance to celebrate my life. If you wish to attend please leave a message on 07459475739, someone will reply. I am raising funds for Marie Curie, if anyone who cannot be there in person wants to contribute leave a message to the number above. Please feel free to leave replies to this post as you see fit I am sure they will be on conform to my family. Alfie
Alfie's family wrote:
"Decorated, Father, Brother and highly respected friend to many.
Funeral Arrangements are:
Date and time - 19 Oct 2018 at 1200 hrs
Location - Scholemoor Cemetery and Crematorium, Necropolis Rd, Bradford BD7 2PS
Bugler requested - Yes
Standard Bearer requested - Yes (LI)
Coffin Drape requested - Yes (LI)
Association members and former members of 2LI are welcome to attend the funeral and the wake. Please leave a message on 07459475739.
Today a friend gave me the honour to speak his final words to his family and friends. In true "Teabags" style knowing the end was close Alfie arranged his own funeral, bought his nearest and dearest Christmas presents and left a letter to be read out at the Wake. Thanks "Teabags" for the honour.
Alfie's funeral cortege was led by The Light Infantry Standard, his coffin draped in the Light Infantry Flag on which were places his medals and a Light Infantry No1 hat. Pete Bate sounded Last Post, Reveille and No More Parade. Fellow 2LI clerk and Chief Clerk, Dave and Greta Hamilton made the journey from Spennymoor. Fellow 2LI clerk Sjt Rob Gregory sent his condolences, he had planned to attend but after suffering an injury was unable to travel. The week before Alfie passed away Rob drove from Shrewsbury to Bradford to visit Alfie in the hospice.
RIP Teabags.