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Become a Chelsea Pensioner

Updated: Apr 24, 2020

Chelsea Pensioner

Today some 300 army veterans call the Royal Hospital Chelsea home. The Hospital offers independent living in a sheltered housing environment intended for those who, upon admission, are self-caring and able to live independently with extra support where required but without the need for nursing care.

To be eligible for admission as a Chelsea Pensioner, a candidate must be a former non-commissioned officer or soldier of the British Army who is:

  • Over 65 years or of State Pension age (whichever is the greater)

  • Either in receipt of an Army Service Pension or War Disability Pension which you would be required to surrender upon entry to the Royal Hospital OR if you do not receive an Army Pension you would be required to make a weekly financial contribution (payable by Standing Order) towards your living costs. This contribution will be based on an assessment of affordability completed during the application process. Please note, if you are in receipt of an Army Service Pension and/or War Disability Pension you may also be required to make a top-up contribution (also based on an assessment of affordability)

  • Free of any financial obligation to support a spouse or family

  • To be able to live independently in the sheltered accommodation (Long Wards) – the Royal Hospital Chelsea is unable to accept direct entries to the nursing wards

Also eligible for admission are any former officers of the British Army who meet the criteria, provided they served for at least 12 years in the ranks before obtaining a commission or if they were awarded a disablement pension while serving in the ranks.

For anyone interested in becoming a Chelsea Pensioner the following links provide full information:

Eligibility criteria.

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The office is generally unmanned as there is no Internet, landline or answer machine.  The Association Secretary visits the office twice a week to collect the mail and for any pre-arranged appointments.  The Association Secretary can be contacted on the mobile number or by email.

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