Our Association's #Doncaster branch has changed the day and location of their branch meetings in an attempt to boost the falling attendance. The branch will now meet at the 'Comrades of the Great War Club' on Bennetthorpe, Doncaster on the third Saturday of the month commencing at 1300 hours from next month (September). The club closes at 1600. The branch secretary hopes that after a short formal meeting the remainder of the afternoon will be spent socialising.
The branch and the Association need the support of :
ex servicemen who have served in the KOYLI, Light Infantry or Rifles including ex servicemen from any of the Rifles' forming Regiments and reservists who served in the KOYY(LI).
Riflemen currently serving in any of the Regular or Reserve Rifle battalions are encouraged to support the branch, you are the future of the Association.
Honorary membership is available to family members of those who served in the KOYLI, Light Infantry, Rifles or who are currently serving in the Rifles.
Branch secretary, Steve Tagg, has done a great job in reforming the branch after it closed in 2016 after the branch membership fell to just 4 members. After a positive start at the re-launch of the branch at Y Coy 8 Rifles ARC in Danum Rd the branch is again struggling through poor attendance and lack of members. If Doncaster branch closes there will be no Rifles Light Infantry and KOYLI Association representation in South Yorkshire as Sheffield branch closed earlier this year.
The KOYLI, the Association and Doncaster have a historic connection dating back over 100 years and Doncaster is the Rifles only Freedom town in South Yorkshire. We cannot let this vital link to Doncaster disappear, which it will without the support of Riflemen and Light Infantrymen living in and around Doncaster.
This is a rallying call to Riflemen and Light Infantrymen to support Doncaster Branch of the Rifles Light Infantry and KOYLI Association. YOUR ASSOCIATION and LOCAL BRANCH NEEDS YOU!