KOYLI Normandy veteran and Legion d'honneur recipient Mr Fred Adamson was a VIP at the annual Eden Camp All Services parade and service on Sunday 8 Sep 19 which was dedicated to those who participated in the D-Day Landings. He was joined by other Normandy veterans Ken Cooke Green Howard’s, Sid Metcalfe 3rd Recon Corp, Ken Smith Duke of Cornwall’s and Douglas Petty RAF Bomber Command
Five Normandy Veterans- Left to right Ken Cooke Green Howard’s, Sid Metcalfe 3rd Recon Corp, grandad FRED ADAMSON KOYLI, Ken Smith Duke of Cornwall’s and Douglas Petty RAF Bomber Command
Association members joined the parade that this year was the largest in the last 3 years. Four of our Association Standard Bearers; Tim Humphreys, Stephen Drew, Rob Smith and Colin Cranswick were in the parade of Standards from all branches of the services, in total 69 Standards were on parade.
This year the veterans were joined by army cadets from 2 counties alongs with sea and air cadets.
This year the Bugle was represented by the largest attendance of KOYLI, DLI, LI and Rifles veterans in the last 3 years.
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