It is my very sad duty to inform you all of the death of Barry Wilemen, late KOYLI and 2LI who sadly passed away at home on 27 Oct 2019 aged 73.
Barry’s family have written:
Barry passed leave behind a loving wife Janet, three children; Donna, Keith, and Craig, nine grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Barry loved his sport and was an avid Rotherham United fan. Barry will be sadly missed by all who knew him.
Our thoughts and condolences are with Barry’s family and friends at this sad time. Rest in peace Barry your duty done take your place in the FRV with your brother KOYLIs. Cede Nullis.
Funeral Arrangements:
Location: Rosehill Crematorium, Cantley, Doncaster DN4 6HE
Date and Time: 19 Nov 19 at 1100 hrs
Coffin Drape: NO
Standard Bearers: NO
Bugler: Yes (Pete Bate)
Association members welcome: Yes
Donations in lieu of flowers: Donations to Help for Heroes
Wake: The Yorkshire Main Officials Club, Edlington, Dn12 1BZ