Following on from this year’s major commemorative events, the Royal British Legion is now developing plans for events in 2020 marking the 75th anniversary of both VE Day in early-May and VJ Day in August. The Legion has already been allocated Libor funds for these activities and the Charity’s Trustees have also set aside funds in support. Our ambition is to create a positive experience for the relevant veterans in much the same way as the nation witnessed over the extended D Day 75 programme in June. To achieve similar levels of veteran engagement, the Legion must use every communication link available to effectively reach out to this senior demographic, many of whom are neither digitally connected nor necessarily well supported by a network of nearby friends and neighbours. Where communication links often remain strong however, is via the Regimental and Service connections first established many years ago. For others, there will be a dependence on news brought by younger generations who may themselves have served more recently. In either case, the critical action is to ensure that the key messages reach the appropriate audience. It is with that in mind that I respectfully ask for the kind support of your Association and its members so that the information on our VE Day and VJ Day websites reach every entitled veteran in a timely fashion and they can be reassured that they need not worry unnecessarily about either costs or logistics. Downloadable copies of all information and FAQs are available online.