The Battle Back Centre (BBC) at the National Sports Centre (Lilleshall) is funded by The Royal British Legion (TRBL) and runs 5-day residential courses for a maximum of 24 students. The Army provides the staff to command and care for students while at the Centre, TRBL provides the support staff, and coaches from Carnegie Great Outdoors (Leeds Beckett University) deliver the training.

The BBC provides adaptive sport and adventurous training activities for wounded, injured and sick (WIS) personnel from across the Armed Forces, including reservists, and Veterans. Physical development is a key component in recovery and the Centre’s activities are designed to promote confidence and independence and help accelerate physical, psychological and social recovery. The Centre achieves this through the provision of high quality, people-centred, adaptive sport and adventurous training activities integrated with personal development coaching.
Serving Military. The Centre’s primary course is the one-week Multi-Activity Courses (MAC), which is mandatory for WIS from the Army and RAF, and strongly recommended by the RN. The MAC’s activities include: indoor climbing and caving, watersports, wheelchair basketball, archery, clay pigeon shooting, cycling, indoor bowls and seated volleyball. There are 24 MACs per year. WIS can also return on the MAC2 which has an increased emphasis on personal development coaching.
Veterans. The Centre also runs 4 courses per year, based on the MAC, for Veterans. Skills Courses for Serving and Veterans. For those who wish to develop a skill, a return to Lilleshall to take the activities to a higher level is possible – the Centre also runs 8 x one-week single activity courses in wheelchair basketball, climbing (indoor and outdoor), mountain biking, road cycling, golf, fishing, paddle sports and archery. Serving military and veterans should have done the MAC or a Veterans Course before returning on a skills course.
Forthcoming Courses:
MACs for Serving Military:
13-17 Jan 20, 20-24 Jan 20, 27-31 Jan 20, 3-7 Feb 20, 24-28 Feb 20
2-6 Mar 20, 9-13 Mar 20, 16-20 Mar 20, 18-23 May 20, 1-5 Jun 20
8-12 Jun 20, 15-19 Jun 20, 22-26 Jun 20, 13-17 Jul 20, 3-7 Aug 20
10-14 Aug 20, 17-21 Aug 20, 14-18 Sep 20, 28 Sep -2 Oct 20, 12-16 Oct 20
Contact Mrs Jacqueline Gunnell (Jacqueline.Gunnell681@mod.gov.uk, 01952 815670)
Veterans Courses: 10-14 Feb 20, 11-15 May 20, 6-10 Jul 20, 21-25 Sep 20 Contact Mrs Sally Green: (SGreen@britishlegion.org.uk, 01952 815681)