Since we issued our first update on 8 March government guidance and policy has changed significantly and we need to take that into account in the way the Association conducts itself for the next 12 weeks at least.
Association and Branch Meetings and Functions
As a result all Association and branch meetings and functions are cancelled or postponed for at least the next 12 weeks and until the policy on social distancing is sufficiently relaxed to allow them to be conducted safely – and I thank branch secretaries and members for taking the necessary steps to achieve this.
This includes the Annual General Meeting (AGM) which was scheduled for 2 May. We will publish the accounts and Chairman’s Report on the website in due course and hope to hold the AGM in the autumn if circumstances allow.
As it is outside the 12 week window a decision on the next Trustees’ Meeting due to be held on 16 July will be made nearer the time. For the same reason a decision about the opening of the KOYLI Gallery, wreath-laying service at the KOYLI and Minden Day evening function on 1 August will be delayed but not later than 1 June.
Standard Bearers
We have stood down our Standard Bearers until further notice and advised buglers to do the same. As you all know they provide a great service representing the Association at dozens of events annually with pride and dignity. Sadly this means that we will be unable to support comrades’ funerals as we would have wished and as they deserve although notifications of bereavement will continue to be published.
As an Association our focus is now on the welfare of our members and their families. That means keeping in touch and helping each other where possible and practicable. The Association Secretary (Colin Cranswick) and The Rifles Regional Secretary (Bob Roberts) can also be contacted for advice if necessary although both are now working from home as directed by RHQ Rifles.
These are testing times for all of us but the priority is the health and wellbeing of our members and their families and I would ask all to follow the latest government policy to ensure that.
Cede Nullis
Graham Whitmore
Lt Col (Retd)
Vice President