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Commitment to Association Recognised by Major General CS Collins DSO OBE the Association President

A Certificate of Recognition awarded by Major General Charlie Collins DSO OBE, the #Rifles Colonel North and President of the Rifles, Light Infantry and KOYLI Association was last week presented to Major (Retd) Derek Searby CBE TD in special recognition of exceptional service as Vice-Chairman of Trustees and Chairman and Member of the Pontefract Branch.

At a small ceremony at Derek's home Lieutenant Colonel (Retd) Graham Whitmore, the Vice President of the Association and Chairman of the Trustees, presented the framed Certificate of Recognition to Derek and thanked him for his commitment to our Association. Also present were Derek's wife Christine, Major (Retd) George McBride the Secretary of Pontefract Branch and Colin Cranswick the Association Secretary and Standard Bearer.

In thanking the Association Derek wrote:

Thank you very much for the award of the first of the certificates which you have created. The presentation today, led by Graham, was a moving experience. I feel most flattered to receive it and am grateful for the recognition of my past efforts.

Kind regards





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