Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic and in light of the risks posed, whilst the annual Service of Remembrance at The Cenotaph will still take place, neither veteran participation through the March Past nor public spectators will be possible this year. The email announcement received today from the RBL is below.
Lt Col (Retd) Graham Whitmore, Association vice president, thanks the following association members who had booked to participate in the parade and thereby represent our regiments and the association:
Fred Adamson and his grandson Philip Knight - KOYLI (Fred will be 101 on 16 Nov 20).
Stephen Gawthorpe
Darren Riley - 3LI
William Morrison - 8LI and 2LI
Colin Cranswick - 2LI
The Opening of the Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey has also been further effected. Covid-19 restrictions had already prevented our usual annual trip by branch members by restricting attendance this year to the Plot Rep and 3 guests. Now further restrictions have limited this to just the Plot Rep, Capt (Retd) Dickie Dutton KOYLI.