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Final Call for The Rifles Memorial Service and lunch York Minster, Saturday 30th September 2023

The closing date for booking this event has been extended but this is the final call for anyone who hasn't submitted their booking form and wishes to attend the annual Memorial Service in York Minster and Lunch at York Racecourse. We also need to finalise the transport requirements, therefore returns must be submitted to the Rifles Regional Office by COP Friday 8 Sept 23.

Below is the calling notice for The Rifles Memorial Service and Lunch York Minster, Saturday 30th September 2023. Please ensure that the booking form contained in the calling notice is fully completed and returned by 1st September.

1. General. The Rifles will hold a memorial service on the 30th of September at York Minster. The aim of the service is to bring together all five pillars of the Rifles, regular, reserve, veteran, cadet, and community to remember members of the Rifles, its forming and antecedent regiments After the service a lunch will be served at York Racecourse.

2. Attendance. The service and lunch are open to all serving and veteran riflemen, one guest can accompany each attendee. Civic dignitaries from areas with links to the Rifles, its forming & antecedent regiments, families of Rifles fallen, and officers of relevant Regimental Associations will be invited as official guests.

3. Service. The service will be held in the Lady Chapel of York Minster, conducted by Revd Andrew Martlew. The regimental chapel is unavailable for the service due to an exhibition but will be open before and after the service for private reflection.

4. Lunch. A buffet lunch will be served in a function room at York Racecourse after the service. Guests with specific dietary requirements should include them on their attendance request to allow them to be catered for. Only attendees who have prebooked will be able to take lunch.

5. Travel. Guests who intend to travel by car will be sent details of locations and car parking with their confirmation of attendance. Should there be a requirement to provide transport for guests who do not wish to drive it is hoped to organise transport from Pontefract to the racecourse, via the Minster and return. In addition, transport from the Minster after the service and back to the Minster after the lunch will be considered if required. To ensure requirements are understood it is essential details are included on the attendance request which is attached to this notice.

6. Timings. The timings of transport will be sent to passengers once details are confirmed. The remaining timings are as follows:

a. By 10.50am Attendees seated in Lady Chapel

b. By 10.55am Official Guests seated in Lady Chapel

c. 11.00am Service Commences

d. 11.45am Service Concludes

e. 11.50am Move to Racecourse

f. 12.15pm Arrive at Racecourse

g. 12.45pm Lunch

h. 2.30pm Lunch concludes.

7. Allocation of Seating. Due to the limitation on total numbers at both The Minster and Racecourse seating will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

8. Guests Contributions. The cost of the event is subsidised by the KOYLI/LI/Rifles Association. Contributions towards the costs by attendees which must be sent with the attendance request are as follows:

a. Officers and their guests £15 per head

b. All other attendees and their guests £7.50 per head.

9. Attendance Request. Soft copies of the request will be available on the Association website, hard copies are available from Branch Secretaries. Both soft and hard copies are available on request from the Rifles Office. To allow planning to be completed correctly it is essential that requests are received by no later than 1st of September.


From: Name: _______________________________________

Address: _____________________________________



Email address: ________________________________

Telephone: _________________________________

I should like to attend the service at York Minster. Yes/No

A guest will accompany me. Yes/No Guests Name__________ ______________________ .

I should like to attend the lunch after the service at York Racecourse. Yes/No

I will be accompanied by my guest. Yes/No  

I wish to travel on the coach to & from Pontefract. Yes/No*

I wish to travel from the Minster to the Racecourse. Yes/No

I wish to travel from the Racecourse to the Minster after lunch. Yes/No

(I understand that due to lack of space, it is not possible to invite more than one guest.)

I enclose £................. (£15 per person for officers, their guests and £7.50 per person for everyone else)

Cheques should be made payable to KOYLI Regimental Association.

Or Online payments details:

Account Title: Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry Regimental Association Fund

Sort 40 37 04

Account 40100005

Payment Reference YORK. Paid by BACS Yes/No


Rifles Regional Office North

Minden House



I understand that applications must be received by 1st September 23 and only those who have paid in advance will be able to attend the lunch.  

Signed: ____________



The Rifles
The Light Infantry
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KOYLI Museum Doncaster
Doncaster 1914-18 – At Home, At War
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The office is generally unmanned as there is no Internet, landline or answer machine.  The Association Secretary visits the office twice a week to collect the mail and for any pre-arranged appointments.  The Association Secretary can be contacted on the mobile number or by email.

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